Fall Injuries Occurring In South Carolina And North Carolina Nursing Homes
Many people who live in nursing homes have bad balance and failing eyesight along with a lack of coordination and reflexes. Nursing home workers - facilities managers, nurses, aides and other health care professionals - can help prevent nursing home residents from falling and sustaining serious injuries.
When preventive measures are overlooked or ignored, nursing home residents can endure serious injuries in falls. Connor & Connor, LLC, is a law firm serving families in South Carolina, North Carolina and beyond. Our attorneys are highly knowledgeable about the ways in which nursing home falls occur and the correct methods for seeking justice. To learn more, please call us to schedule a free initial consultation. Our Aiken, South Carolina, law office can be reached at 803-226-0543.
Nursing Homes Can Prevent Falls And Injuries
Nursing homes can take appropriate measures to help prevent falls. Fall prevention can include ensuring that:
- Nursing home residents do not wander off, either inside or outside, on their own
- Guard rails on beds are in place and work properly
- Railings in hallways are secure and in all appropriate walkways
- Bathrooms are adequately equipped with toilet and shower rails
- Spills are cleaned up immediately
Our lawyers are committed to protecting the rights of people who have sustained serious injuries, including head injuries, broken bones, torn tendons, hip fractures, while in the care of a nursing home facility. Our nursing home abuse practice provides the knowledgeable and effective legal help your family needs at this time.